Every church is unique, and has a distinct calling from God. These differences do not typically make one church good and another bad, but they make every church unique. Sometimes the distinct aspects of a church become formal ministries (ministry just means service). Emmaus Road Church has a few distinctive ministries that set us apart from other churches.
At Emmaus, we believe that every member of the church should be discipled and should be discipling. First and foremost, In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commissions us to go and to make disciples of all the nations. This command begins with going. Next, the command states the very core of the church’s mission: Make Disciples. Included in the making, however, are several other activities of making disciples: teaching new believers to do all that Jesus commanded, and baptizing in the name of the Triune God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, at Emmaus, we endeavor to be sent by Jesus into the world, whether at home or far away (Acts 1:8), to make disciples of those who do not yet know him. We teach one another how to follow Jesus better, both through formal and informal discipleship relationships. And, we outwardly display our discipleship to the church and to the world by obeying Jesus and baptizing new believers, which is an outward and visible demonstration of a commitment to following Jesus.
Sunday morning is our time of corporate worship. Included in this time is one of the ways that we follow the pattern of the early Christians according to Acts 2:42. After Peter’s sermon on Pentecost, the first Christians continued in the Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. In our preaching on Sunday, and in our Bible study, we attempt to conform our lives to the teaching of Jesus’ Apostles, as recorded in the New Testament. Sunday morning for us is also a time of fellowship, a corporate gathering in which we visibly and physically interact with one another and encourage one another to continue sharing our faith with our friends and neighbors. We proclaim Christ’s victory over Satan, over Sin and Death as we partake of the Lord’s Table, the breaking of bread. In addition to our corporate observance of the Lord’s Table, we also share corporate meals during our corporate worship time, often to celebrate significant holidays, such as Easter. This sharing of meals, we also consider to be continuing in the Apostles’ example of the breaking of bread. Finally, we lift up one another and the needs of our members, the needs of our city, and the needs of our nation in corporate times of prayer. In these ways, we believe the church manifests the visible, physical presence of Christ in the world, and in these ways Christ is in the process of drawing people to himself, to join his bride, the Church.
Finally, one focus of Emmaus is the idea that churches and organizations need to partner with one another for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of Jesus. Pastor Beau is currently a supported missionary with the the North Western church planting arm (NICE) of the IFCA. These organizations, and our partnership with them is not an oversight or control kind of relationship, but a fellowship and partnership kind of relationship. In addition to our relationship with NICE and IFCA, Pastor Beau focuses on fellowship with local pastors for mutual growth and accountability, as well as to discern opportunities for our churches to work together in Idaho Falls and the surrounding region. Please pray with us as we partner with organizations, churches, and pastors to advance the kingdom and church of Jesus in our community and around the world.